September 14, 2016

Uber debuts self-driving cars

Uber-users in Pittsburgh now have the opportunity to ride in an autonomous vehicle. It's the first time self-driving cars have been made so freely available to the U.S. public and Uber is…
8 years ago

DNC hacked again

The head of the Democratic National Committee says the organization has been hacked again by Russian state-sponsored agents.…
8 years ago

Is Nigeria becoming the next Venezuela?

Multiple exchange rates, a reluctance to officially devalue the currency and a forex shortage are a few similarities between Nigeria and Venezuela that have fuelled concerns that Nigeria may be on the…
8 years ago

Rock The Runway: Episode 5

[ooyala code=”RtY2l2NTE6xOKMFxdTvPgJr8p7xhvy9P” player_id=”1b17bdeb76cb4ac7b9d901fad6010bb6″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ auto=”true”]…
8 years ago