Abiodun Ogundairo

The NBA's French Revolution
The NBA's French Revolution

The NBA’s French Revolution

In this week's roundup of French news we look at the rush to declare proxy votes ahead of snap parliamentary elections and the recent surge in racism and anti-Semitism in the country.…
7 days ago
Paris Olympics embraces vegetarian menu
Paris Olympics embraces vegetarian menu

Paris Olympics embraces vegetarian menu

There's less than a month to go before the Olympics kick off in Paris. It's a big event for athletes but also for chefs, who are getting ready to serve more than…
1 week ago
Syria's nightmare continues 1 year after deadly earthquakes
Syria's nightmare continues 1 year after deadly earthquakes

Syria’s nightmare continues 1 year after deadly earthquakes

Syria's nightmare continues 1 year after deadly earthquakes. As Syria marks one year since a deadly earthquake, many survivors are still living in makeshift camps. Conditions remain dire in Idlib, one of…
1 week ago
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