European Union - Page 12

Cameron to step down

David Cameron says he will step down as prime minister before October after Britain voted to leave the European Union.…
8 years ago

Cameron to step down

David Cameron says he will step down as prime minister before October after Britain voted to leave the European Union.…
8 years ago

Europe’s plan for Brexit

All the major broadcasters in the U.K. have called the vote for the 'leave' side. Bloomberg's Ryan Chilcote reports on how the EU is trying to handle the outcome.…
8 years ago

Europe’s plan for Brexit

All the major broadcasters in the U.K. have called the vote for the 'leave' side. Bloomberg's Ryan Chilcote reports on how the EU is trying to handle the outcome.…
8 years ago

Brussels Attacks: What we know so far

Coordinated explosions during Tuesday morning's rush hour targeted the core of the European Union. The attack killed at least 31 people in Brussels and injured more than 230. Bloomberg's Caroline Connan reports…
8 years ago

Brussels Attacks: What we know so far

Coordinated explosions during Tuesday morning's rush hour targeted the core of the European Union. The attack killed at least 31 people in Brussels and injured more than 230. Bloomberg's Caroline Connan reports…
8 years ago
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